Why Steve Loves His Upgraded Garage from Absolute Concrete Coatings
For the last few weeks, I’ve been super excited about something that many people wouldn’t normally be excited about: garage concrete floor coating! I know you’re probably thinking, “Steve, you’re stupid. No one cares about concrete.” Well trust me, I do. And if you’re a garage tinkerer, mechanic or DIY type of person, you should too.
My garage floor looked like crap. It was cracked, chipping, stained, and just overall in gross shape. I thought about getting one of those DIY epoxy kits and going to town. But after checking out the work by Absolute Concrete Coatings and talking with them, I decided pretty quickly that I was going to let them handle it.
Jamie came out and gave me all the info I needed on why their polyurea coatings are far superior to epoxy. (The Cliff Notes version: Epoxy eventually gets really brittle and can chip, peel, crack or otherwise get gross. That doesn't happen with Absolute Concrete Coatings.) I picked out the “Orbit” color scheme (blue, black, white, grey), and the install day was scheduled.
Last week, Joe and the install team showed up around 8AM and by 5PM they were DONE. Like, completely FINISHED. That’s right. One day install. No second day, no follow-up, nothing. And the outcome was AMAZING! My garage is transformed and I couldn’t be happier with the results. It looks great and I know it’s going to hold up even better because the floor has a lifetime warranty!
September is garage floor appreciation month*. Do the right thing. Call 616-466-7700 or visit AbsoluteConcreteCoatings.com to schedule your free consultation or to get a free estimate. And ask about their first responder discount.
Plus, mention Free Beer and Hot Wings and you’ll get 10% off the “Orbit” color scheme in September and October and your floor will look just as good as mine!
*no, it isn’t.
Before & After: Steve's Garage Transformation with Absolute Concrete Coatings
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