It's not a good week in West Michigan if you don't have an air conditioner but here are five free ways to help stay cool.

Heat Wave in West Michigan

The Farmers Almanac appears to be right about the hot temperatures this summer.

Mother Nature doesn't care this week whether you have an air-conditioner because she is taking us into the 90s and I don't mean "Grunge Rock" either.

A clean action air day is in place already for Monday since the high is 95. A heat advisory is coming out of every weatherman's mouth and we have 6 days straight of 90+ temperatures. So how can people with no air conditioner stay cool in West Michigan?

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5 Ways To Stay Cool in West Michigan if You Don't Have an Air Conditioner

I know firsthand what it's like to live with no air conditioner. When I bought my house 5 years ago there was not an AC so I have experienced some pretty hot summer days trying to stay cool. Below are 5 things I have done to stay cool when you don't have an air conditioner.

Wear natural fibers like cotton and use a damp towel or washcloth around the hottest areas like your neck and back.  You can keep cool packs in the freezer that work as well as a wet washcloth or towel.

Drink lots of cold water and eat fruit like watermelon, oranges, and pineapples. Stay away from hearty meals that are hard to digest and make your body produce heat.

Take cold showers and get a spray bottle to spray cold water on your face. If you have a dog he or she will appreciate sprays as well.

Experiment with fans in your home. I have done this by opening windows throughout the cooler parts of the day and using fans to pull the hot air out of the house. I've even checked the wind direction outside so send the hot air out the right window. It helps when you get the cooler air from the side of the house with less sunshine.

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Most people have it wrong by leaving their windows open on a hot day. If your home is insulated well, it can work both ways to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I am lucky because that is the case with mine. Close your windows, curtains, and blinds during the day. This keeps the hot air outside and traps the cooler air inside. I did this over the weekend because I was out of town, but when I came home my house was cool even though it hit 90. When the air cooled down I opened a few windows and slept like a baby. I closed my windows when I left and will do the same thing when I get home.

Heat Wave Safety Information

Tips on How You Can Survive a Heat Wave

Holy crap is it hot outside or what? This heat wave is going to last a few days and I know that some people are concerned for their health. I talked to PST's Chief Meteorologist Dan Zarrow and he's got some awesome tips on how we can survive this heat wave and the many that will probably hit New Jersey this summer.

Gallery Credit: Tiffany

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