3 Michigan Men Arrested For Child Pornography
Three Michigan men have been arrested and charged in engaging in child sexually abusive activity. One of them right here in Grand Rapids.
According to FOX 17, the Michigan State Police Computer Crimes Unit and Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force have arrested 48 year old Adrian James Batt in Hundsonville. Batt is charged with two counts of distributing and possessing child sexually abusive material and using a computer to commit a crime.
State Police also arrested 44 year old Keith William Mahan in Montague. He has been charged with two counts of child sexually abusive activity and suing a computer to commit a crime.
The third man Police arrested was 47 year old Wallace Matthew Slatinsky in Grand Rapids. He was charged with sexually abusive activity, two count of distributing and possessing child sexually abusive material and using a computer to commit a crime.
Detective Trooper Specialist Matthew McLalin said, "Unfortunately, this is pretty normal for us. We investigate cases like this every week."
“Unfortunately, this is pretty normal for us. We investigate cases like this every week," Detective Trooper Specialist Matthew McLalin tells FOX 17.
McLalin says, "Sometimes it can take months, you know, we do a very throrough job in our investigation. Sometimes it's a lot of surveillance, a lot of different search warrants, working together with other agencies."
McLalin also said, "I can tell you that the evidence that we have is so strong, that a lot of times when people in cases like this are confronted with it, they do a lot of times just admit to it, own up to it because the evidence is so strong."
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