You Have To Be Certified To Sell Morel Mushrooms
Morel mushrooms are hard enough to find, so your next option is buy them. Just make sure you're buying from a certified dealer.
It almost sounds like an undercover drug deal, to go and buy mushrooms from someone surreptitiously, but many morel mushroom sellers are not certified, and that's a problem.
You see, a lot of mushrooms that are toxic LOOK like morels, and if the person you're buying them from is not certified, you could be buying poison mushrooms and that may mean a world of hurt.
"To the naked eye, and to the untrained eye they can look very similar and that's why it's important to know how to identify morels correctly," Paul Salvatore,who has been selling mushrooms for the last few years told WWMT-TV 3.
To get the certification a seller has to be able to identify 20 different types of mushrooms and know which ones are safe to eat.
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