Why Do Our Fingers Get Wrinkly in Water? Science Is Cool
Wandering aimlessly around the internet today, I found an article on our fingers, and the wrinklyness we experience when we get into the water for a long time.
Common "wisdom" makes us think that it's because we're swelling up after taking on water or something, or maybe the chemicals doing something to us. Seems like it would make sense, right?
Nope. Not the reason at all.
Apparently, our bodies are freaking awesome! The wrinkly thing happens because, as our bodies stay in the water for a long period, they naturally begin to adapt automatically to being wet, and adjust our grip.
Yep, you read that right. Our bodies are automatically adjusting our grip with our fingers and toes, so that we can pick things up better, and get better traction!
It's like the tread on tires, the wrinklyness gives us better grip on things, and better traction with our toes for moving around. That's freaky, right? That our bodies would just do that?
Okay, maybe you knew that, and I'm a dummy...but if you're just learning this, too...it's pretty cool.
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