If you thought that getting a headshot in that Call of Duty game was cool, what if you got extra points for shooting them in the crotch, have them fall to their knees, grab them with a whip, plant your boot in their face, watch them fly away, shoot them in the leg, then their chest, then finally lay one in their head, while they fall onto a sharp spike? Yea...........that's BULLETSTORM (Xbox 360, PS3, and PC)

I just got done playing the demo, and the guys from Epic Games (Gears of War, etc) have made another pretty sweet entry to the gaming world. In a nutshell, this game is all about creative kills, all of the things listed above is what you get extra points for doing! Seems fun? It is! Break in 4 player co-op play, and you have team creative killing! That Peter Weller from Robocop would never survive BULLETSTORM!

The graphics may disappoint some, but again, a game can look amazing, but suck. So go download the demo, its cool. Also if you get this game, you get first dibs on the Gears of War 3 Beta!!!

Due out Feb.22

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