Which Michigan Winter Weather Driver Are You? One of These Three
The snowflakes are falling, but you've got somewhere you've got to be. So you fire up the car or truck or SUV, you get behind the wheel, and you begin your adventure.
Probably not long after leaving the comfort and safety of your own driveway, you begin to question why anyone else needs to be on the road too. It seems like all the other drivers are crazy! But truth be told, it's always like that - the winter weather just shines a brighter spotlight on the issue.

Winter weather drivers in Michigan fall into three distinct categories. Which one are you?
The Slowpoke
The Slowpoke is cautious to the extreme, often travelling well below the posted speed limit, sometimes with hazard lights flashing. They're the white-knuckled ones with hands at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel, constantly tapping their brakes, and making every effort to leave 20 car lengths between themselves and the vehicle in front of them.
The Slowpoke isn't going to win a popularity contest with other drivers:
People that drive on the highway with 4 ways on going 20-40 miles under the speed limit are unsafe. Go home if you think the weather is bad. - Daniel D. (via Facebook)
You'll encounter The Slowpoke on any given Michigan thoroughfare, but usually directly in front of you when you're trying to get somewhere.
The Chad
The Chad is the driver in the jacked-up 4x4, flying past everybody else like they're standing still. Most often a younger male with less driving experience, The Chad is seemingly oblivious to the winter weather, and is ticked off that other drivers are exercising any semblance of caution. The Chad is especially annoyed by The Slowpoke, and delights in the trail of road spray he leaves behind.
The Chad in his most Chadly glory in the left lane of most interstates and U.S. routes.
The Only Sane One on the Road
You know you're The Only Sane One on the Road if you're annoyed by both The Slowpoke and The Chad. The Only Sane One on the Road will often need a moment to recover once arriving at their destination, worn out from all the honking and yelling they've done at every other driver - even including, at times, other Only Sane Ones on the Road. Common phrases yelled by The Only Sane One on the Road are "You idiot!", "Get off the road!", and "What the hell is wrong with you?!" It's exhausting to be The Only Sane One on the Road.
Even if you don't really yell these things, but just think them - you can still consider yourself to belong to this category.
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