Is it Illegal to Hitchhike in the State of Michigan?
Have you ever hitchhiked? Hitchhiking is something that people do everyday in Michigan? Is it illegal to hitchhike in the mitten?
I can recall seeing a lot more hitchhikers on the roadways and highways when I was younger. It seemed that I-94 was riddled with hitchhikers when we would travel. It's rare that I see them now on the interstate. Maybe hitchhikers realized that it's unsafe to do so while cars are flying by going 80 mph. Perhaps there have been enough crime dramas on television sharing stories of hitchhikers that caught a ride, never to be seen or heard from ever again.
I tried hitchhiking a few times when I was in my 20's. I did so on surface streets, not the interstate. Nobody ever picked me up. At the time I was frustrated because of the walk I had to make, but looking back, I'm grateful I'm still intact and my limbs aren't scattered throughout the midwest.
Is it illegal to hitchhike in Michigan? It seems like it would be for the safety of drivers and potential "hikers". People walking along the interstate aren't safe. Strangers climbing into other stranger's vehicles doesn't seem smart.
The government wants to mingle in our daily affairs, do they when it comes to hitchhiking?
Let's draw a line in the sand regarding the legalities of hitchihiking from hitchhiker:
While there is not a state "hitchhiking" law in Michigan, there are several sections of the Michigan Vehicle Code that can apply to hitchhikers as pedestrians. A pedestrian is defined in section 257.39 as "any person afoot."
Section 257.655 states "Where sidewalks are provided, a pedestrian shall not walk upon the main traveled portion of the highway. Where sidewalks are not provided, pedestrians shall, when practicable, walk on the left side of the highway facing traffic which passes nearest."
Section 257.676b states "A person, without authority, shall not block, obstruct, impede, or otherwise interfere with the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic upon a public street or highway in this state, by means of a barricade, object, or device, or with his or her person." This could include causing a vehicle to stop in the roadway to pick up the pedestrian, if it interferes with the flow of traffic.
Section 257.679a states "...nor shall a pedestrian...be permitted on a limited access highway in this state." Pedestrians are not permitted on any limited access highway (freeway), including the entrance and exit ramps.
Finally, section 7.13 of the Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships and Villages expressly prohibits hitchhiking within the limits of any municipality that has adopted the code as a local ordinance, stating "A person shall not stand in the roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride, employment, or business from the occupant of any vehicle." A municipality that has not adopted the code may also have an ordinance against hitchhiking.
This sums it up pretty good. There is no hitchhiking law in Michigan. The key word is pedestrian. As you can see, if you disturb the flow of traffic, that's when it becomes a problem. Pedestrians aren't allowed on the interstates. My takeaway is this, it's legal to hitchhike. Use commonsense when doing so, avoid stopping the flow of traffic and don't cause an accident. If you want to end up in a wood chipper that's entirely up to you.
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