West Michigan Sheriff Says He Won’t Investigate “Complaints against the Governor’s Executive Orders”
The Van Buren County Sheriff, Daniel Abbott, is refusing to investigate any reports of violations of the Governor's executive orders.
The announcement came in response to the governor's latest executive order that beefed up the state's mask mandate and now includes a possible $500 fine for noncompliance.
In a statement posted Saturday, July 11th, by the Van Buren County Sheriff, the sheriff and his department announced they will not be investigating any reports of violations of any of the Governor's executive orders:
In response to the Michigan Governor’s 147th executive order of 2020, the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office will not be investigating violations of this order or the previous orders. Furthermore, the Sheriff’s Office recommends following the guidelines set forth by the CDC. Those guidelines include wearing a cloth face covering in public settings, socially distancing, and frequent handwashing.
The Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office will investigate any violation of the Michigan Compiled Laws to safeguard the citizens of Van Buren County. We hold true to the oath of the office of the Sheriff. Violations of the Michigan Governor’s order should be referred to the Office of Michigan Attorney General or the Michigan State Police.
The Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office will strive to protect its citizens and ensure that the constitutional rights and civil liberties given to every American are protected. We will dedicate our services to investigating crimes against persons and property and we will not pull valuable resources away from that to investigate complaints against the Governor’s Executive Orders.
According to an article from MLive.com, Sheriff Abbott thinks that it is not practical for police to attempt to enforce the mask mandate. In the statement posted on the sheriff's website, he ends by saying "we will not pull valuable resources away from that to investigate complaints against the Governor's Executive Orders." which leaves it pretty open ended to include past and future executive orders as well.
This isn't the first announcement from Michigan police that they are at odds with the Governor and will not enforce some of her COVID-19 related policies.

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