Video of Michigan Kid Peeing During Proposal Goes Viral
When you gotta go, you gotta go...
Even if mommy is getting proposed to and the whole thing is being filmed.
WNEM-TV 5 reports that Kevin Przytula said he brought his girlfriend, Allyssa, to Bay City over the weekend to propose.
The two are in front of a fountain when Kevin pops the question... and Allyssa's young son, Owen, drops his pants.
Even the woman shooting the video can't contain her laughter.
I missed it the first time, but Owen DOES warn them, declaring "I'm going to pee outside", just about the same time Kevin drops to his knee.
Before it was removed from Facebook, Kevin said the video had about 56,000 views and 300 shares. Now on YouTube, the video has been viewed more than 17,000 times.
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