UPDATE: Grand Rapids Riots Caused More than $2M in Damages
A couple days ago the city of Grand Rapids estimated that the riots from May 30 & 31 caused almost $500K in damages... well that number has gone up, a lot.
In an updated report from the City Accessor the total cost in damages is now at $2,069,729.61. WOOD-TV says the damages were broken up into two categories: structural damage and city department damage.
Structural/property damage came out to $748,000 and city departments took the biggest hit at a little over $1.3 million. Some include Mobile GR, the Fire Department, Public Works Department, and the GRPD. The police department alone suffered $1.2M in damages.
Not included is the city of Wyoming which had five of its cruisers set on fire during the rioting in Downtown G.R. WZZM reports that came out to a total of $325,000. So if you include that in the cost of damages the total comes to a whopping $2.4M!
Even crazier, this number is preliminary meaning that the total is still expected to go up. The loss businesses suffered from looters still isn't included in the estimate.
According to WOOD-TV the city has sent the bill of the estimate to the state "...in regards to declaring a state of emergency."
During their board meeting on Tuesday, the Downtown Development Authority pledged $218,000 to offer financial support to the city to divvy between the affected businesses.

On Sunday, Mayor Bliss announced her commitment to the "8 Can't Wait" police reform policy which reviews and restricts use of force policies.
The City of Grand Rapid also announced changes to improving policing in the city. Chief Payne held a press conference regarding it on Wednesday. Get more info about that here.
Cleaning Up Downtown Grand Rapids - May 31, 2020
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