Truck in Michigan Busted With 2,000 Pounds of Illegal Crayfish
A truck was busted in Michigan while trying to leave the country with 2,000 pounds of illegal cargo, but it's not the type of illegal cargo you'd expect it to be. The truck was carrying 2,000 pounds of live, illegal red swamp crayfish.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources says it's their largest aquatic invasive species seizure ever.
DNR officers in St. Clair County were notified on July 13 by U.S. Customs that a commercial hauler transporting red swamp crayfish was denied entry into Canada at the Sarnia border crossing and would be returning to Michigan.
Red swamp crayfish are prohibited in both Michigan and Canada. They burrow and create shoreline erosion. They also compete with native crayfish for food and habitat.
U.S. Customs and the Michigan DNR stopped the truck and found 55 bags of live crayfish.
The driver said the truck originated in Canada and made stops in Maryland and Arkansas to pick up cargo before attempting to return to Canada. The driver did not have appropriate records, only a few purchase receipts. Law enforcement is investigating. It is currently unknown if any stops or sales were made in Michigan.