The Grinch is Alive & Well in GR – People Are Stealing Toys From the Broadway Bar
This is why we can't have nice things.
Grand Rapids' Broadway Bar is a Westside staple, and they go all out for the holidays. I mean, they have a giant inflatable Santa on their roof... But, someone is attempting to steal the Christmas spirit by stealing things from the bar.
A few years back, I wrote about an incident where one of the bar's animatronic figures was stolen and the bar put the robber on blast. This year, they haven't released a video (yet), but a post by the bar Wednesday morning on Facebook indicates that five of their toys have already been stolen this year.
Look, I get it, they have some really cool stuff at the Broadway Bar, but it's there for every patron young and old who comes in to enjoy. Not for you to take home with you because you got some liquid courage after having a few too many vodka and sugar-free Red Bulls. If you took one of the items from the bar, do the right thing and bring it back. While you're there, maybe buy a drink in a novelty leg lamp glass that you can take home with you.
I shouldn't have to say this to adults, but it turns out that I do - don't take things that don't belong to you. And Merry Christmas.