3rd Graders Write to All 83 Sheriffs Departments in MI – Ignored by Kent Co.
Recently some third-grade students from Michigan wrote letters to all 83 sheriff's departments and only a few didn't respond like Kent County.
Kids Writing Letters
I remember being a kid in elementary school and writing letters to the President and the Governor; we even did penpals once.
I didn't get a letter from the President or the Governor but some kids did. I know people running a country or a state have a full plate but I can't say I wasn't a little bummed that I didn't get a response.
I did get letters from my penpal. We sent letters back and forth for a couple of years then a war broke out in her country and I never heard from her again. So I have been on both sides of writing letters at school and not getting answers while others always got a response.
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3rd Graders Write to All 83 Sheriffs Departments in Michigan
A teacher at Dundee Elementary School was teaching her students about geography In Michigan and thought of what better way to learn about each county than by having students write letters to the Sheriff Departments who protect and serve in those counties.
Of the 83 counties students wrote letters to, 53 responded with some departments sending a sheriff's patch back. The third graders worked together and created the poster above showing what counties wrote back and who didn't, plus included the patches they received. I did notice that the Kent County Sheriff's Department didn't respond.

According to the teacher, the third graders learned a lot about the geography of many of the counties in Michigan. On a side note, the students also learned that the deputies like "Long John Donuts." They also learned chasing bad guys is not all a sheriff does in the community. Maybe chasing bad guys is what Kent County Sheriffs were doing instead of writing back to the kids. The teacher and students learned a lot and many of the sheriff's departments showed a lot of enthusiasm in their response.
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