The GOAT, Tom Brady Proves to be Super Hero to Young Boy
I don't know if you remember this happening, but about three months ago during a Tampa Bay Buccaneers football game, which they won, quarterback Tom Brady spotted a young boy in the stands holding a special sign. Well, when the game was over and as he was running off the field, Brady spotted a young fan in the stands, still holding that sign, "Tom Brady helped me beat brain cancer." What happened next was so sweet.
The young fan was 10-year-old Noah Reeb who held that sign. And, as Brady was leaving the field he gave Noah his game hat. Noah was speechless and overcome and began to cry after putting the hat on. Brady was his hero and to get that from Tom himself meant the world to Noah.
WZZM reported on that story, but it doesn't end there. The G.O.A.T., Greatest of All Time, made a video for Noah, and, well, you have to see what happened as Noah and his family watched the video that Brady shared on the NFL's Twitter page.
Brady says he certainly hopes to be there but knows Noah and his family will be!
We will see what happens as the the Bucs beat Philadelphia soundly last week in a Wild Card game, and now get to take on the L.A. Rams and Matthew Stafford and crew, this Sunday, January 23rd, 3 p.m. at home, Raymond James Stadium, in Tampa Bay, on NBC.
Will this game send Brady and Tampa Bay to the AFC Championship game and possibly on to defend their Super Bowl title? Maybe. You sure know Noah will be rooting for Tom!
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