
Take a Pasty Road Trip from Grand Rapids to da U.P. [Map]
Take a Pasty Road Trip from Grand Rapids to da U.P. [Map]
Take a Pasty Road Trip from Grand Rapids to da U.P. [Map]
Heading north to the Upper Peninsula is a summertime tradition for anyone from West Michigan. It's a long trip and all that time on the road can work up an appetite. Make your next road trip to the U.P. a delicious one with our map of places to stop for a pasty along the way.
Hashtag, Selfie, Tweep and Yooper Make It Into Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Hashtag, Selfie, Tweep and Yooper Make It Into Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Hashtag, Selfie, Tweep and Yooper Make It Into Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Hashtag, selfie, tweep and Yooper join more than 150 new words and definitions added to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary in 2014. The additions reflect the growing influence technology is having on human endeavor, especially social networking, once done mostly in person. As for Yooper, a nickname used for a native or resident of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan? Well, let's just say it's ab