The economy of Grand Rapids, and its metro areas, keeps getting better!
A study done by Headlight Data, a website that collects data on economics and the workforce, found that Grand Rapids had the highest rate of job growth in 2016 compared to any other state in the country...
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about a really weird explosion sound that was heard in GR Saturday night. Free Beer immediately blamed his wife for being mad, but that didn't seem to be what it was...
Some pansy in Australia filed a Fair Work Act complaint again her boss in Australia for "an order to stop bullying". The reason? Her boss unfriended her on Facebook.
Are you f-ing kidding me? Unfriending can now be considered bullying?
You know why this pisses me off?
MDOT has announced that beginning May 12th, I-196 eastbound north of the US-31 split will be under construction through October 31st! Seven miles of I-196 will be worked on, and only one lane will be open each way.
The 56th and 58th street bridges will be closed intermittently (meaning: when you need them).
With misspellings, sometimes in chicken scratch and even artistically done angry workers let food thieves feel their disdain. Here's a few I've come across~Please feel free to send us any you've come across at work.
send us yours.