One of the most popular recent acts in the music business, Imagine Dragons, has released a new music video to help get us hyped up for the League of Legends World Championship.
In this edition of Cosplay of the Week, we have Lee Sin from League of Legends. We personally love League of Legends because the fan base is so creative and enthusiastic that there are thousands of great cosplays that crop up as a result. Here's one of them.
The other day I got a little restless at work and told Steve The Web Guy that I was sick of all my promos! You've all heard it, "There's a party in my pants and I'm invited" same promo everyday, so I decided to make some new ones! I decided to channel my inner geek and used a clip of Annie from League of Legends and my favorite, a clip of Duke Nukem, you'll just have to hear them.
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Being the huge League of Legends fan that I am, I wanted to give back a little to our local community of LoL players. That being said, I present League of Legends streams originating exclusively from Grand Rapids!
We're no fans of needles and hospitals, but we sure don't mind a pretty nurse when we see one. And in today's Cosplay of the Day, we welcome Nurse Akali, from League of Legends.
They are the unsung heroes of the League. They ask no questions, they fight to the death, and they always push forward! They are minions and they are far more than just sacks of gold and experience!
If only you could hear your opponents blood curdling screams of rage as you effortlessly slide between brush, narrowly escaping your pursuers. We all love the sweet sweet sounds of an enemies rage, and this post is full of that rage that we all have come to know and love...
League of Legends, like many other online games, included the "/d" functionality. And just like in other games, most of the dances have a original source. The more dances that you can identify the better idea you get of exactly what Riot staffers are into...