Google launched a website called "Frightgeist" that found the most popular Halloween costumes in a certain area. One city in Michigan's choice of costume is concerning to say the least.
Halloween has become the second-largest commercial holiday in America, behind Christmas. Buy your candy, carve your pumpkins and be ready for ghosts, goblins, witches and devils.
Here are West Michigan Trick or Treat dates and times:
Halloween is definitely a time for shenanigans. Dressing up, having fun, being irreverant. Also: halloween candy and halloween drinks. Those things are important too.
Our radio stations have a company wide Halloween contest. Instead of going with a theme, we all decided to dress up as whatever we wanted. So Ned and I dressed up as our bosses! Because when else can you poke fun at the guys in charg
Halloween is approaching. A time to go out with your friends! Get crazy! And yes-- dress up as your favorite idiotic person made "famous" by the internet this year.
The girl with 3 boobs? You can be her for Halloween. No joke. This is a real costume you can buy/ make.