6 Grand Rapids-Inspired Halloween Costumes You Can Wear this Year
With Halloween being next month, have you started thinking about what your costume is going to be this year? If not, you better get to it because you don't want to be the only person at the party who comes dressed as "myself." Don't be that guy. But you also don't want to show up dressed as the same thing as someone else.
If you want to skip out on the typical Halloween store costume, think outside-the-box. Think local. So we decided to help you out and come up with a list of Halloween costumes that are all inspired by Grand Rapids. A lot of these will be easy to put together, you can be creative, and more importantly... you don't have to spend a bunch of money.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 1Betsy DeVos & the Grizzly Bear
After the amount of times she made headlines this year, Betsy DeVos can be in her own category of costumes but it wouldn't be as fun or memorable without her grizzly bear.
During her confirmation hearing in January, DeVos was asked about her thoughts on guns in school and her [odd] response about grizzlies drew nationwide laughter.
This costume would require a friend but could also make a great couples costume!
- Sazac via Amazon
Sazac via Amazon 2Any of these John Ball Zoo Animals
- Red Panda - Wyatt the Red Panda was a John Ball first this past August.
- Poop-Flinging Chimp - This monkey went viral after he threw poop and it landed on Granny's nose. BONUS: you could even dress as Granny or make it a couple's costume.
- Pooping Bear - Earlier this month, this bear gave kids a crappy show.
- costumepronto via eBay
costumepronto via eBay 3Chick-fil-A Cow
West Michigan went CRAZY over Chick-fil-A this year so you can dress up as a cow, which is their mascot and attach a sign to yourself that says "EAT MOR CHIKIN"
Or if you're feeling really creative, somehow turn yourself into a chicken sandwich or waffle fries. A quick search on Google can help you out.
- Dan Harland/WZZM-13
Dan Harland/WZZM-13 4Griffins or Whitecaps Player
Dressing up as an athlete is a great go-to when you need a costume last minute because it's super easy to put together. But since the Grand Rapids Griffins won the Calder Cup this year, it would make your costume that much better, plus you'd be showing hometown love!
- 7thavenuestore via eBay
7thavenuestore via eBay 5Beer
Even though this is more appropriate for a college student, you could get away wearing this costume since Grand Rapids is known for its beer.
- Ljupco/ThinkStock
Ljupco/ThinkStock 6ArtPrize Tourist
Have you noticed that the majority of tourists dress the same? Some "nice" slacks with comfortable tennis shoes that would normally be a fashion no-no with the pants, or even worse socks with sandals.
A tourist also usually has some type of cross-body bag to hold all of their belongings. Oh, and let's not forget about the camera hanging around their neck.
You could even throw on a stupid hat for extra effect.
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