Tool Have a Festival Now, 2025 Lineup AnnouncedTool Have a Festival Now, 2025 Lineup AnnouncedSee the lineup for Tool's three-day festival taking place in 2025.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
Whatever Happened to 2004's Breakout Bands?Whatever Happened to 2004's Breakout Bands?It's been two decades! Which of the breakout bands of 2004 survived and thrived and which faded away?Chad ChildersChad Childers
10 Bands Wrongly Accused of Being Death Metal10 Bands Wrongly Accused of Being Death MetalBy TV shows, magazines, listeners and others.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Eagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes Testifies in Bataclan Attack Case: ‘It’s Important to Forgive’Eagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes Testifies in Bataclan Attack Case: ‘It’s Important to Forgive’Jesse Hughes says he forgives the terrorists who killed 89 people in Paris.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
Eagles of Death Metal’s Tuesday Cross Out of Coma, Reunited With Bandleader Jesse HughesEagles of Death Metal’s Tuesday Cross Out of Coma, Reunited With Bandleader Jesse HughesThe musician, Hughes' fiancee, was comatose for two months.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Eagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes in Legal Battle Over Care of Fiancée Who’s in a ComaEagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes in Legal Battle Over Care of Fiancée Who’s in a ComaTuesday Cross is in Eagles of Death Metal with him.Loudwire StaffLoudwire Staff
Eagles of Death Metal Cover ‘O Holy Night,’ Announce ‘A Boots Electric Christmas’ EPEagles of Death Metal Cover ‘O Holy Night,’ Announce ‘A Boots Electric Christmas’ EPHere come the holiday tunes.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Eagles of Death Metal Covers Set Helped Jesse Hughes Through Post Terrorist Attack DepressionEagles of Death Metal Covers Set Helped Jesse Hughes Through Post Terrorist Attack DepressionHughes also teases an original album in the works as well.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Hear Eagles of Death Metal Bring Fresh Take to Mary J. Blige Song for Covers AlbumHear Eagles of Death Metal Bring Fresh Take to Mary J. Blige Song for Covers AlbumThe covers set also features their takes on songs from AC/DC, KISS, Guns N' Roses and more. Jeff CornellJeff Cornell
Eagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes Hit by Car, Unable to Return to Le Bataclan for Third Anniversary of MassacreEagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes Hit by Car, Unable to Return to Le Bataclan for Third Anniversary of MassacreHughes shared a photo of his cracked bike helmet.Graham HartmannGraham Hartmann
Eagles of Death Metal Present ‘Pigeons of S–t Metal’ Vinyl Covers ReleaseEagles of Death Metal Present ‘Pigeons of S–t Metal’ Vinyl Covers ReleaseAnd yes, they do cover Guns N' Roses.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Eagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes Posts Video Apology for March for Our Lives CommentsEagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes Posts Video Apology for March for Our Lives CommentsThe Eagles of Death Metal frontman says his initial post didn't accurately convey what he wanted to express and he never meant to impugn America's youth.Chad ChildersChad Childers