Piers Morgan, Fellow Musicians Respond to Jesse Hughes After March for Our Lives Critique
The March for Our Lives stirred up plenty of emotion and response over the weekend as the student-organized march sought to shine a spotlight on school safety in the wake of increasing amounts of school shootings. Strong opinions were voiced by many online, with Eagles of Death Metal's Jesse Hughes being one of the bigger opponents to the March, calling it "pathetic and disgusting," and that it served as an "insult to the memory of those killed." Hughes, whose band was onstage during the 2015 terrorist attack on Le Bataclan in Paris, was highly critical in a series of Instagram posts; he seemed to delight initially in the backlash before eventually deciding to take down the polarizing posts.
While Hughes received backlash from some directly addressing his comments on his posts, there were others who also used social media to respond to his viewpoint. TV talk show host Piers Morgan weighed in, "America's most repulsive man. Take a bow Jesse, you vile, gun-toting douchebag."
One of the more interesting responses came from Mark Lanegan, who has played with Hughes' Eagles of Death Metal cohort Josh Homme in Queens of the Stone Age.
"When I think of the good times we've had in the past, it fucks my heart to see how far off the rails you've gone" said Lanegan, concluding, "Come back bro." When a Twitter follower questioned Lanegan that it broke his heart because Hughes had a different opinion, Lanegan responded, "I know Jesse to be a guy who would give you the shirt off his back not someone who'd attack someone for their opinions that differ from his."
Meanwhile, Danko Jones frontman Danko Jones had a more sarcastic take on Hughes' post, stating, "One thing everybody overlooked regarding Jesse Hughes’ disgusting Instagram post, where he called Parkland shooting survivors 'pathetic,' is the guy doesn’t know the difference between a comma and an ellipsis. He’s not just a douche, he’s a full-on village idiot." See some of the comments in response to Hughes' post below:
In the wake of his initial post, Hughes deleted follow-up posts, then eventually deleted the original post from his account that had generated such response in the first place. However, before removing all posts related to his March for Our Lives commentary, the singer had stated that he had always abided by the idea of checking politics at the door, and as such was planning to leave his Instagram account music-centric while starting up a separate account for whatever political views he may want to express.
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