
Senior Pranksters Put School Up For Sale on Craigslist
Senior Pranksters Put School Up For Sale on Craigslist
Senior Pranksters Put School Up For Sale on Craigslist
I can't remember exactly what my classes' senior prank was, which likely means two things 1) It probably wasn't that good. 2) I am getting freaking old. Anyway. Kids these days have the advantage of the Internet for their senior pranking. They can do things like put their high school up for sale on Craigslist.
You Can Now Buy Positive Pregnancy Tests On Craigslist – Because Why Wouldn’t You Want Something Someone Else Peed On?
You Can Now Buy Positive Pregnancy Tests On Craigslist – Because Why Wouldn’t You Want Something Someone Else Peed On?
You Can Now Buy Positive Pregnancy Tests On Craigslist – Because Why Wouldn’t You Want Something Someone Else Peed On?
I've mentioned before that I find it really super gross when people announce their pregnancies on Facebook by posting pictures of positive pregnancy tests, but this is taking the gross-out factor to a whole new level. You can now buy positive pregnancy tests (you know, ones that have already been peed on by pregnant ladies) on Craigslist. I could barely even type that without gagging.
You Can Find Anything On Craigslist – Including A ‘Penis Whisperer’
You Can Find Anything On Craigslist – Including A ‘Penis Whisperer’
You Can Find Anything On Craigslist – Including A ‘Penis Whisperer’
Craigslist is useful. You can use it to sell old junk you don't want, you can use it to buy furniture for your apartment, you can use it to find that "missed connection" girl you saw at that concert last week... And now, some guy in Flint is trying to use it to find a "penis whisperer"! What?
Michigan Beer Cellar For Sale On Craigslist
Michigan Beer Cellar For Sale On Craigslist
Michigan Beer Cellar For Sale On Craigslist
Ever thought of owning your own brewery? Well, now's your chance! The popular Michigan Beer Cellar in Sparta is for sale. And you don't even have to worry about real estate agents, or anything! You can simply purchase it on Craigslist.