Hello, well lets see, I was born in Houston TX went to highschool in Fla moved back to texas, went to TexasTech where i blew my credit and a lot of money. I have worked at multiple TV stations,production houses , and radio station around the country. I have Two horses, I mean dogs. A english mastiff and a great dane between them and children I tend to lock myself in the closet. HA HA. Hobbies well just two really, NASCAR and Drinking.. Sorry Drumming I meant to say. That's It
Seersucker Thursday – What Hot Wings Thinks [AUDIO]
Several senators participated in the annual event, which has them exchanging their heavy-weight suits for the lighter-weight, pale-blue-and-white-stripped fabric that is much more suitable for Washington's humidity.
Expensive High School – What Hot Wings Thinks [AUDIO]
A Southern California school district spent $105 million on a new state-of-the-art high school, but after three years of funding cuts doesn't have the money to operate it.
NBC – What Hot Wings Thinks [AUDIO]
On Sunday, NBC removed the words "under God" from a reading of the Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of the U.S. Open Golf Championship.
Newsbusters' Noel Sheppard writes the network omitted the phrase "twice during the show's introduction."
Bristol Palin – What Hot Wings Thinks [AUDIO]
Bristol Palin remembers her first time. Except she doesn't.
In her memoir, "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far," the eldest daughter of GOP poster girl Sarah Palin writes that she was drunk on wine coolers when she and Levi Johnston did the deed.
Casey Anthony Trial – What Hot Wings Thinks [AUDIO]
The trial began on May 24, 2011, at the Orange County Courthouse, with Judge Belvin Perry presiding. In the opening statements, prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick described the story of the disappearance of Caylee Anthony day-by-day.
TV Is Killing You – What Hot Wings Thinks [AUDIO]
A series of scientists from Harvard came to this conclusion after checking out the health of TV addicts from 1970 to 2011. After viewing the statistics they found several major health risks.
Hugh Hefner’s Wedding – What Hot Wings Thinks [AUDIO]
Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris called off the nuptials on Tuesday, just days before they were to tie the knot Saturday at the Playboy Mansion.
"The wedding is off," Hefner Tweeted. "Crystal has had a change of heart."
Zoli – Suicide Girl of the Day
Meet Zoli, a Californian Suicide Girl who says she enjoys playing the drums and being a "total goofball." Look out, Animal!
Deep Sea Diver Vows to Recover and Photograph Osama bin Laden
President Obama's recent announcement that terrorist leader Osama bin Laden had been killed by US operatives in Pakistan prompted happy cheers and a giant, collaborative sigh of relief from citizens around the world. After five minutes of celebration, though, came demands for photographic or video proof that our nation's nemesis was actually dead.
Zephyr – Suicide Girl of the Day
Meet Zephyr, a Suicide Girl from Ohio who says loud, annoying sounds make her happy and that she spends much of her free time playing video games and painting.
Issues With The TSA – What Hot Wings Thinks [Audio]
The Associated Press now reports that 36 TSA screeners and managers at Honolulu Airport have been removed from their jobs and that 12 others have been suspended.
Major League Baseball Mulling Realignment
What's old could become new again for Major League Baseball.
Sources say Major League Baseball and the players' association have talked about realigning both the National League and the American League.