Massive Power Outage Reported in Greater Grand RapidsMassive Power Outage Reported in Greater Grand RapidsConsumer's Energy has reported that there is currently a large power outage in the city of Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. Wendy ReedWendy Reed
Grand Rapids Korean BBQ Restaurant is Making a ComebackGrand Rapids Korean BBQ Restaurant is Making a ComebackAfter a temporary closure, a Grand Rapids Korean BBQ joint is set to reopen.JannaJanna
Does Grand Rapids Really Need Another Chik-Fil-A? Well, We’re Getting TwoDoes Grand Rapids Really Need Another Chik-Fil-A? Well, We’re Getting TwoThis will bring the number of Chik-Fil-A restaurants in metro Grand Rapids to six...JannaJanna
#PeopleDoingGood: Cascade Community Helps Find Lost Dog#PeopleDoingGood: Cascade Community Helps Find Lost DogAfter a car accident, Anne's dog got loose and ran away. That's when we got to really see #peopledoinggood as the community started searching. Rob SparksRob Sparks