Bands With No Guitarist or No BassistBands With No Guitarist or No BassistNot every band needs a guitarist or a bassist. These rock and metal band's certainly don't.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
11 New Tours Announced This Week11 New Tours Announced This WeekSee who is playing where and when and how to get tickets.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Minds Are Blown on Twitter Over Bell Witch’s Surprise 83-Minute Doom Song/Album ‘The Clandestine Gate’Minds Are Blown on Twitter Over Bell Witch’s Surprise 83-Minute Doom Song/Album ‘The Clandestine Gate’Restoring attention spans, one part of a trilogy at a time.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
12 Rock + Metal Bands Who Don’t Have a Guitarist12 Rock + Metal Bands Who Don’t Have a GuitaristWhat? How???Todd FooksTodd Fooks