Back in the early '80s, Atari was all the rage and they were preparing to release the latest and greatest console, the Atari 5200. To get people pumped up for the big release, Atari put together this commercial that, presumably, actually aired on TV.
A few months ago, Microsoft funded a documentary that was set to debunk the myth about the mystery of the Atari landfill.
According to myth, Atari buried thousands of video game cartridges after they declared bankruptcy in New Mexico.
Was the myth true though?
You know what's just begging to become an open-world, sandbox multiplayer game? The classic arcade game Asteroids! What's that? You think that's a really weird idea? Well, Atari doesn't, which is why we're getting Asteroids: Outpost.
The moment that every Angry Video Game Nerd fan has been waiting for has finally arrived. If you have seen the AVGN movie, you have already seen this video, but if you haven't…the moment is here!
Buy a piece of history in the form of a horrible movie-based Atari 2600 game that was buried in a landfill and excavated because people now love retro things no one wanted anymore.
Have you seen the 'awesomeness' that is Conan O' Brian's 'Clueless Gamer?'
Who better to review video games, than a funny late night host who doesn't play video games at all? You'd think that Conan at least has played some classic Atari games like Space Invaders, Combat, etc. right?
Well, maybe not.
As a gaming history geek, it was a very exciting weekend. For years, I have been reading of the rise and fall of Atari and the gaming industry. Many myths and legends have been spoken of over the years, some true and some not. It's not everyday that we get a rare chance to see someone figure out a myth, and front the cost for it. Perhaps one of the biggest myths that was solved this weekend was th
This is always a story that has fascinated me, for no real reason. All it really is, is a story about a company dumping massive amounts of product into a landfill. However, it's really the cove-up that's the interesting thing about it. This story has garnerd so much interest, that a small film company has been granted and 'excavation' permit to find the games!
I was born in 1987. Around this time in video gaming, the Nintendo Entertainment System was dominating the video game market and everyone at the time already forgot about that wood paneled console named Atari 2600. Bleeps and Boops on the screen, and squares battling squares. It was primitive, but for it's time, it was groundbreaking.