Do you remember the bootleg cd's that WGRD used to make? One has recently resurfaced online and people are talking about it.

Bootleg CDs From 979 GRD

Several years ago when the world still cared about CDs, WGRD used to put out a Bootleg CD filled with mostly national artists but occasionally a local artist would appear on the disk. The CD shown in the picture above was a more aggressive release since it was a two-disk set will all the proceeds going to charity.

👇BELOW: Artists With More Hits Compilations Than Studio Albums👇

As I was digging up information on the bootleg CDs I started to wonder how the station got permission to put all these artists on a CD and sell it even though it was for charity.

Upon further digging regarding the bootleg CDs, they were live versions recorded in the WGRD studio. They were sold at Meijer for $9.79 and the net proceeds were donated to a charity each year.

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97.9 GRD Bootleg 09 CD Resurfaced on Reddit

GRD made a bootleg CD in '09 and it looks like they borrowed from the Facebook layout. Obviously, this type of cover wouldn't fly in today's world but at the time it was probably a pretty effective eye-catcher.

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Grand Rapids Reddit Page

To show just how old the bootleg CDs are "NeilArmbong" mentioned listening on his Walkman.

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Grand Rapids Reddit Page

I found one of these when I first got here but never opened it up and have no idea what happened to it. I do run into people who bring these up from time to time.

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I found a bunch of these bootleg CDs on eBay, Discogs, Tower Records, Amazon, and I'm sure there are others if you are looking to locate some of these. You can also take a look at the Reddit thread here.

Artists With More Hits Compilations Than Studio Albums

Some are significant. Many are lazy cash grabs.

Gallery Credit: Bryan Rolli

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Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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