Racist Graffiti Found on Grand Rapids Elementary School [VIDEO]
Grand Rapids Police are investigating after racist graffiti was found on the side of Harrison Park Elementary school on Sunday.
WZZM-13 reports that a photo of the graffiti, which said the n-word, was power washed by a school employee after a citizen reported it.
Following the incident, Grand Rapids Public Schools Executive Director of Communications and External Affairs John Helmholdt issued a statement:
This hateful, discriminatory language has no place in our society. We are contacting the Grand Rapids Police Department and will be working with them to conduct a full investigation into this matter. If we find out who vandalized our property and advanced hateful, racist language that violates our laws, we will have them prosecuted to the fullest extent."
GRPD say they are investigating the incident as malicious destruction of property.
Anyone with information is asked to call the GRPD at (616)-456-3400.