President Trump Declared a Disaster for Four Michigan Counties
Today, President Trump did something good for Michigan. Lots of places in Michigan got severely flooded in June from the storms, and now that they've been declared disasters, those counties can get more money to rebuild!
Bay, Gladwin, Isabella, and Midland counties all can now claim funding to help rebuild homes, businesses, and losses. There's federal funding available, as well as low-cost loans that can be taken out.
If you're a resident of any of these counties, or part of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe in Isabella County, you can apply for federal aid in helping rebuild and repair damages from the massive flooding this summer.
More good news:
Trump’s declaration also means communities statewide are eligible to participate in a program to help reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards.
Whichever side of the political argument you're on, at least Governor Snyder and President Trump have managed to get this right.