Pop Evil – “Trenches” #1 Rock Song In The Country!
If you're a fan of our Grand Rapids based band Pop Evil you're going to love this. This is a story that started in the GRD conference room late in 2006 with a video presentation of "Somebody Like You" from the band. We were so blown away that air play on GRD of Somebody Like You quickly followed. Many in the industry scan the GRD playlist weekly and many inquired about this band we were spinning called Pop Evil. This caught the attention of some professional management that saw the same thing we did - this band was great. This lead to national air play and now (which I'm proud to announce) this long journey brings us to the number one rock song in the country!
"Trenches" has hit number one on rock chart this week. Number one over bands like Alice In Chains, Five Finger Death Punch, Nine Inch Nails and more. A local Grand Rapids band - number one in the country. Don't ever let it be said getting your song on the radio can't help you get noticed. The talent, long hours of practice and touring, hard work, perseverance, fortitude and thwarting strong advances from hot chicks is on your shoulders.
Congrats PE. Well deserved!
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