New Russian Combat Robot is Insanely Terrifying! [Video]
This has to be the most terrifying soldier even put on the field. I'm not sure how other armies are going to survive or escape when this beast of a killing machine gets released onto the battlefield.
It's lightning quick reflexes, it's deadly aggression, it's horrifying appearance...this is the stuff of nightmares!
Look at how quickly it travels, how nimbly it maneuvers a difficult obstacle course, marvel at its menace, and share in Putin's awe as this mechanical horror impresses everyone present at the demonstration. I think a few of those present actually pooped themselves.
They were working on creating a cyborg for the International Space Station (because what else would you do?) (and why not?), but instead have created this brutal killing machine that rides an ATV.
This monstrosity even has a mocking smile, so you will know it's laughing at you as you die.
We're no longer safe anywhere.
Putin said that everything he's seen that day confirms that Russia's military is "on the right path to achieve the desired objectives." Those "objectives," RT said, include "building autonomous tanks, unmanned vehicles, and other weapons one won't be ashamed of in the 21st century."
via Engadget