Mark Hamill’s Harrison Ford Impression Is Incredible
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo may be gone but the legend of the original Star Wars cast will live forever — particularly when you have guys like Mark Hamill still doing the talk show circuit and whipping out this absolutely insane Harrison Ford impression. How do you even do a Harrison Ford impression? He just stands there and scowls and talks. Well, here is how. Watch and learn, because Hamill is about to put on a clinic.
Hamill was on Late Night With Seth Meyers, and naturally he got to talking about Star Wars. He started recounting the story of working on the first movie with Ford, and how his perspective was different right from the start. While Hamill was worried about things like continuity — making sure his costume and hair were sufficiently schmutzy after a dip in the garbage compactor, for example — Ford could not be bothered with small details. Watch Hamill’s note-perfect version of Ford’s advice to him above.
I hope this is exactly how he voices the new Chucky in the reboot of Child’s Play coming to theaters this summer. Or better yet: Maybe they can make another Star Wars animated series about Han Solo, and Hamill can provide the voice. It seems a shame to waste this talent on talk shows.
Gallery — Every Star Wars Movie Ranked From Worst to First:
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