Lions Can Still Blow a 4th Quarter Lead Even During a Pandemic
Some things just never change, especially when it comes to the Detroit Lions.
I'm gonna be straight up honest with you, I had a chance to hang a couple of treestands and needed to finish cleaning the garage on Sunday, so I didn't watch or listen to the Lions vs. Bears season opener.
I just had a feeling that I would find more joy in finishing my chores instead of getting the usual disappointment of a division game for the Lions. Heck, I didn't even check the score until the first quarter of the late game with the Saints and Buccaneers.
For my entire life watching the Lions, the "bend don't break" method of maintaining a lead with this franchise has never worked. It seems as soon as the Lions get something that works they suddenly stop doing it as they did in the contest with Bears.
Now granted, opening week for the NFL has been glorified pre-season games for most teams but at least we finally got a look at how some teams might do.
It can be stressful with a chainsaw in my hand on a ladder in the middle of the woods making room to hang a treestand, but I can't tell you how many times a Lions game has totally ruined my weekend. I didn't let that happen this weekend but I'm still venting about a game that I didn't even watch.
I have seen countless teams just march the ball down the field and pick apart the Lions in the fourth quarter and that is what happened on Sunday. The Bears marched the ball down the field in five plays and scored a touchdown. Then the Lions' Mathew Stafford thew an interception that led to the Bears scoring again two plays later.
The Lions should never just sit on a lead, until they can win regularly and develop a better defensive strategy, they should run the two minute drill the entire game. That seems to be when Stafford is at his best, so why not go with it?