Legalized Marijuana May Make the Ballot
Well, all those folks with clipboards running around town gathering signatures to get legal marijuana at the ballot box can chalk up a victory, at least for now.
According to WOOD TV, the election committee from Lansing says enough signatures have been collected to get legalized marijuana on the ballot for recreational use. There are enough signatures to also repeal a law requiring higher wages for construction projects across the state.
This Thursday, the Board of State Canvassers will have a meeting to that will cover certifying the petitions following the bureau's release of reports on Monday. Depending upon if the board can come to an agreement on the findings, the legislation proposed will go to the Legislature.
There is a ticking clock for legislators that says if they do not act within the next 40 days the proposals will automatically get a statewide vote this November.
The elections bureau has determined that 277,000 of the 362,000 signatures of the anti prevailing wage initiative are valid which is roughly 25,000 more signatures than is needed. The bureau also confirmed that 277,000 of the marijuana legalization signatures are valid.