Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe Leads Hardcore Cover of Prince’s ‘I Would Die 4 U’
Prince's funky 1984 hit "I Would Die 4 U" becomes a ferocious punk anthem on a new version led by Lamb of God vocalist Randy Blythe that also features members of hardcore punk bands such as Gorilla Biscuits, Integrity, Harm's Way and many more.
It's all part of the online metal talk show Two Minutes to Late Night's latest heavy cover song; the podcast frequently draws willing collaborators from among notable names in rock music. This time around, Walter Schreifels (Gorilla Biscuits, Quicksand, Rival Schools), Dwid Hellion (Integrity), Bo Lueders (Harm's Way) and others back Blythe's growly vocals on the brutal redux released to coincide with Prince's birthday (June 7).
Hear the hardcore "I Would Die 4 U" version down toward the bottom of this post.
Additional contributors include Urian V. Hackney (Rough Francis, The Armed), Rachel Rosen (Most Precious Blood, Indecision), Jeffrey Eaton (Modern Life Is War), Christina Michelle (Gouge Away), Brody King (God's Hate), Djamila Azzouz (Ithaca), Lisa Mungo (Filth Is Eternal, He Whose Ox Is Gored), Dimitri Minakakis (The Dillinger Escape Plan), Shawna Potter (War on Women) James Munoz (The Bled, Xed Out), Miss Eaves, Jenna Pup (Hirs Collective), Ryan Bland (Ache), Mike Lennon (Healthy Scratch) and Peter Bruno (Tyrannosaur).
Of course, the Two Minutes to Late Night Prince cover wouldn't exist without the show's founders and producers, its corpse-painted host Jordan Olds AKA Gwarsenio Hall and video editor Drew Kaufman.
"I Would Die 4 U," among other classic Prince tracks, has found favor with rock singers, especially after its composer died in 2016. Rockers such as Slipknot's Corey Taylor have since paid tribute by covering Prince. Late Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell once performed a version of "Nothing Compares 2 U," a Prince song first popularized by Sinead O'Connor.
Watch more at twominutestolatenight.com.
Lamb of God's Randy Blythe + Members of Gorilla Biscuits, Integrity, Harm's Way + More, "I Would Die 4 U" (Prince Cover)
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