Kids had some tough questions for University of Michigan Football coach Jim Harbaugh at the college's media day today, such as: "How much milk do I have to drink to become quarterback?"

The question was posed by adorable first-grader Brady Carpenter.

So what was Coach Harbaugh's answer?

"Drink as much milk as your little belly can hold at all times. Could be chocolate milk, could be 2%, but the ideal is the whole milk.... As much as your little belly can hold."


First-grader Autumn Jones aked what was Harbaugh's favorite part of being back in Ann Arbor.

According to the Detroit Free Press, Harbaugh answered:

Being with my family is my favorite thing about being back in Michigan. I have a six-year-old daughter named Addie and 4 1/2-year-old daughter named Katie, Jack is 2 1/2, my son James is 18 and he'll be a freshman at Michigan, my son Jay is coaching at Michigan and he is 26. So seeing all my kids back here at Michigan doing some of the same things I did when I was your age and their age."


Another child asked who Harbaugh wishes could walk down the tunnel with him for the first game but aren't available to: The coach answered that he wishes his late grandpas could be there with him.

As for why Harbaugh wore No. 4 as a player, it's because that's what was handed to him, even though the number he'd actually wanted was 10.

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