Just One Michigan County Left With No COVID-19 Cases
Michigan is down to just one county that has not had a coronavirus case but as people travel north to vacation, its probably only a matter of time.
My best friend lives in Iron County, Michigan in the Upper Peninsula, he and I talk often for the longest time his county had zero cases until what the Yoopers call the "Flatlanders" started coming up to vacation for Memorial weekend and now his county has two cases.
Iron County is not far from Ontonagon County in the U.P. and Ontanagon County is the only county in Michigan currently without any cases of COVID-19, according to the Detroit Free Press.
If you love Michigan then you will agree the Upper Peninsula is a real treasure. Covered in trees, lakes, rivers and streams surrounded by three of the Great Lakes with very low populations in all of the counties. Its a paradise for those who live there and those who vacation there.
It's unfortunate that people want to get back to normal so fast they selfishly travel all over the place from areas that have been hit hard with COVID-19 and bring the virus to people who chose to live a quiet life away from society who do mind living in privacy and semi isolation.
Please don't rush to Ontonagon thinking its the safest place to be, the pandemic follows no rules or borders.
Things are opening back up, the weather is great, you can have a drink at a bar again or enjoy a meal at a restaurant but that doesn't mean things regarding COVID-19 are better. Nothing has changed in Michigan other than we slowed the spread.
Getting back to semi normal means cases are going to go up. So even though you are free to move about where you want, think of the others you may affect and yourself by thinking things are normal again because they are definitely not.
Continue to stay away from large groups, where a mask in public and at work, continue to social distance and wash those hands. I will too.
According to WOOD, here are some places you can get tested for COVID-19.
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