‘Jackass Forever’ Trailer: New Decade, Same Jackasses
I know it’s only January 10, but we can officially call the race for the best movie poster of 2022. It’s all over. And the winner is: Jackass Forever. There’s just no topping this.
I can’t imagine anyone needing more convincing to see a new Jackass movie, but if by some chance you do, there is also a new trailer for the film out today, which reveals even more stunts, pranks, and lunacy in this fourth Jackass film, the first since 2010’s Jackass 3D. This one includes deadly treadmills, exploding Porta-Potties, volleyball cannons, slightly poisonous snakes, and Eric Andre looking deeply regretful of showing up for a guest spot on the movie as he’s filming it. What more could you want out of a modern masterwork of cinema?!?
Take a look at the madness below:
Here is the film’s official synopsis:
Celebrating the joy of being back together with your best friends and a perfectly executed shot to the dingdong, the original jackass crew return for another round of hilarious, wildly absurd, and often dangerous displays of comedy with a little help from some exciting new cast. Johnny and the team push the envelope even further in jackass forever.
Omicron be damned, Jackass Forever is still scheduled to open in theaters on February 4. And as part of the marketing campaign for the movie, Johnny Knoxville just announced he is going to be part of WWE’s annual Royal Rumble on January 29, which sounds like an outstanding way for him to promote Jackass Forever and almost die on camera.
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