Caution: This Tick Bite Can Give You a Meat Allergy
There is an aggressive Texas tick that has spread to Michigan that can give you a long-term meat allergy.
The Lone Star Tick has been called the most aggressive of its kind by experts. A bite from the Lone Star Tick a.k.a. Amblyomma americanum, can be potentially deadly. The allergic reactions vary for each person. However, within 4-6 hours of a bit from this tick, most people start feeling very sick according to Dr. Rubin, MD in the video below.
Why do we need to worry about the Lone Star tick in Michigan? Due to global warming, the temperatures have been steadily rising causing this breed of ticks to move North. Scientists have been predicting this move. However, they didn't expect them to move North this fast. Below is a map from the Science website plos.org showing the movement of the Lone Star Tick to Michigan.
The Lone Star Tick got their name because the females of a white mark on their backs that looks similar to a star. But it's what the babies do that creeps us all out according to Consumer Reports,
...it’s the baby (larval) lone star ticks that may make a bigger impression. That’s because they tend to hunt in packs, colloquially—and horrifyingly—referred to as “tick bombs.”
Some people can walk away from a Lone Star Tick bite with little to no issues while other can get a host of problems according to Patch.com,
Some people develop an allergy to other products from mammals, including dairy products, and some may develop an allergy to certain medications. There is no known cure or treatment.
How To Avoid Ticks According to the CDC
- Knowing where to expect ticks is important. Ticks thrive in grassy and/or wooded areas. A tick can jump for a ride on a human or pet while you're in your yard or on a hike.
- Treat your clothing and gear. You can treat your clothing and camping gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin to repel ticks.
- Use EPA-registered insect repellents. Get more info on this from the CDC by clicking here.
- Avoid contact with ticks. Avoid wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter. Your legs brushing against tall grass is the number 1 way to bring a tick home.
- Check for ticks when you get home. Always inspect your entire body, as well as your children and pets if you've been in a place where ticks thrive.
Click here for more valuable info from the CDC on how to avoid ticks or what to do if you are bitten.
The 5 Most Common Ticks You'll See in Michigan & Diseases They Carry
Gallery Credit: Youtube, Michigan.gov
Plants That Ward off Fleas and Ticks
Gallery Credit: Emily Claire