If your car sits out overnight here in Michigan, many mornings you are probably scraping ice and frost off the windshield. You know what a pain that can be. Scrape, scrape, scrape, and you probably didn't get it all. Besides, it's really cold so there just isn't any fun in that.

You can always start your car early, turn the heater on and wait a bit, but that sure is a waste of gas.


Okay then, I have solution. Use a potato!

potato cut slice on white background.
angintaravichian/Getty Images

You're laughing....I can hear you.

Seriously, use a potato. Come on, not as a scraper, but a a preventative.

Danger from icy windshield in the car
gopixa/Getty Images

This is a winter hack suggested by the Farmer's Almanac and reported by our sister station, WKDQ 99.5, and they claim it works.

Here is what you do.

The night before, grab a potato and cut it in half. Then, go out to your car and rub the potato all over the windshield. Do it to other windows if you like.

Why in the world are you rubbing a potato over your windshield?

"Because the sugar from the potato creates a barrier over the window and prevents ice from forming, so you’ll come out in the morning and won’t have to scrape! Simply use your wipers and washer fluid to clear the residue away."

View through the rain-drenched windshield. Driver's hands and part of the car interior
ElcovaLana/Getty Images

The Farmer's Almanac isn't finished with strange ways to get rid of, or prevent ice on the windshield this winter.

Pickle juice will work because it contain salt, but you have to be careful.

Vodka works well because it contains ethanol, at won't freeze. One part water to two parts vodka, spray on windshield and you're in business for easy scraping.

Besides, after you scrape, maybe you can have a little for yourself!

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