We love a warm & fuzzy story!


In partnership with Josh Whitfield Memorial Athletic Fund, the organization gave out 330 pairs of shoes to the school on Tuesday. Since the inception of the First Day Shoe Fund, they have donated over 45,000 pairs of shoes.

With shoe prices rising consistently, the First Day Shoe Fund tries to put a smile on every student's face.

Founded by Valerie Denghel in 2006, First Day Shoe Fund "believes all children should start school on equal footing."

According to the website, First Day Shoe Fund strives to help all elementary students that are in need within the Kalamazoo County Public Schools System.

"First Day Shoe Fund (FDSF) is a local, grassroots initiative whose mission is to provide a unique service to children in the Kalamazoo area by distributing new shoes throughout the school year. Founder Valerie Denghel realized this need through her volunteer work in Kalamazoo Public Schools (KPS). Since many families were unable to purchase new shoes, Valerie noticed students were wearing shoes that were the incorrect size, tattered, or worn. First Day Shoe Fund believes that every child should start school on equal footing, and distributes a new pair of properly fitting athletic shoes to any student in need. The goal is to help these students succeed both in and out of the classroom."

If you want to donate to First Day Shoe Fund, you can give them shoes, donate money or volunteer your time. For more detail, visit the First Day Shoe Fund website.

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