Hi Idiots.

One of the most common questions people send into the text line is

"What would you guys be doing if you weren't on the radio?"

Based on the many tales of Free Beer and Hot Wings as college roommates and being on air together since then, you'd think that having their radio show was always the end goal. But, that's not the case. Free Beer was originally going to be a history teacher. Imagine if you walked into class and saw this guy.

The Conversation The Shaped FB

Going into senior year, Free Beer had full plans to be a government/history teacher and coach basketball (at least that didn't change). After telling his favorite teacher about his plans, his teacher told him that he should consider a different path. FB respected this teacher's opinion so highly, that he changed his degree path.

Basketball team huddled up.
Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

So, he instead pursued a broadcast minor and communications major, with the end goal of being a TV Sports anchor. He approached the radio station at his summer job and asked if they would "give a job to an up-and-coming broadcaster". Instead, the jockey said he needed help with his high school football broadcast.

Journalist behind a desk.
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

FB said he had never been on the radio, and the jockey said "ok, let's train you." That was the first time Free Beer ever considered doing radio. He didn't have radio on his mind when he entered college, but by the time he graduated...well, you know the rest.


But Free Beer was *this* close to making sure your kids knew the Bill of Rights. Wild how things shift, huh?

Free Beer and Hot Wings' Favorite Records

Each member of the show's favorite records to listen to.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

Could This Be The Future Home of Free Beer and Hot Wings?

If each show member pays a measly 50k, this nightclub could be the future home of Free Beer and Hot Wings.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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