There are some bands that refuse to go away! What you think that's a bad thing? Well your crazy! Man, if this year wasn't already full of amazing bands hitting the road for tours, out of left field comes effin' Iron Maiden. Planning a 2012 tour!

Pretty much all of us are going the be broke as we start over drafting our checking accounts attempting to afford all of these amazing shows that are coming around the 2012 year.

Nicko McBrain stated at NAMM 2012, short and sweet-wise: “Well, we’re taking some time off and we’re gonna go back out on tour sometime this year. We’re not sure yet when.”
Simple enough, not sure when and not sure where. He also stated that it would be a short tour, nothing big. If you know Iron Maiden though....there is no such thing as small to them. (That's what she said......had too)

Stick around for any big news on the upcoming tour!

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