We are all stupid, you must know this by now, especially if you are a regular listener. Last week Jt, Dave Kim, Stoner Andy and myself were invited to Logan's because they have a kick ass new happy hour menu and we were lucky enough to be able to try it! Well we get there and there's this whole spread of food... I like to call it "display food" it was apparently there to show us what our options were to order. Well our fearless (sometimes idiotic) leader JT told us to "go to town, what are ya waitin for! Eat up!" So we dig in... the food was luke warm and it wasn't until we noticed no one else eating that we were a tad suspicious. It really hit home what idiots we were when the cook came out marched over to the table and said, "Hey, why did you eat the display food... didn't ya want to order something warm?" HAH, so we are idiots... just had to share that with you.

PS: Even luke warm the food was freakin delicious!


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