Hurricane Dorian: Florida to Receive Help From Michigan Crews
Hurricane Dorian is expected to hit Florida Tuesday and Consumers Energy has sent over 60 Michigan workers to help with the aftermath.
According to WZZM, Hurricane Dorian is currently a Category 2 but expected to move up to a Category 4 storm by the time it slams Florida. Predictions coming in that Dorian will bring 140 mph winds.
Consumers Energy has sent 15 different 3 person crews to help restore electric power for residents in Florida. Crews are expected to be in Florida for at least three weeks.
The Michigan crews will be assisting Florida Power & Light which has requested regional help from other states. Consumers Energy immediately enlisted some crews for the job.
Consumers Energy vice president of electric operations, Guy Packard said, "In July, crews from six states assisted us as we restored power to more than 220,000 of our Consumers energy customers. Now it's our turn to help others in their time of need."
According to the hurricane center's projected track, it looks like Dorian will hit close to West Palm Beach. It's tough to really predict the path of a hurricane since there is so much uncertainty. Florida's 500 hundred mile coastline is in the danger zone with cities like Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando in Dorian's path.