How Will Hurricane Ida Affect Weather In Michigan?
You've probably seen the destruction Hurricane Ida left behind in Louisiana by now on TV, but Ida is moving North and what does that mean for weather in Michigan?
Hurricane Ida brought massive winds and rain with massive destruction and flooding for a big chunk of Louisiana. Naturally when a storm like this finally hits land, it calms down as it moves North but still affects other states that crosses its path.
According to MLive, Ida will be making its way across the Great Lakes this weekend but as a tropical depression and will be bringing much cooler air to Michigan giving it more of a fall feel for Labor Day weekend.
The last couple evenings you could really feel the difference in cooler air, plus the days are getting shorter and the sun is in a lower position in the sky. Ida is going to make that air even cooler which will be great for sleeping and if you have any outdoor projects you want to accomplish during the Labor Day weekend you may not sweat at all.
This cooler air won't just be a Labor Day weekend thing, it will continue to be cool into next week. We may see some overnight lows in the 50s and even a bit chilly with some West Michigan towns getting down to the upper 40s. This should help activate the deer a little bit as well for you hunters getting ready for season.
One good this is, we are not going to get the rain Ida brought to Louisiana but there will be some areas that will see rain showers this weekend and into next week.
For those who love fall temperatures, Ida may have brought you a gift because our temperatures probably won't return the heat wave we were getting in August and continue the trend of cooler fall weather.
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