Grand River Flooding Causing Problems for Portland Businesses
One family actually had to be rescued by a boat.
Devon Cyr and his family had to be picked up by a boat and moved down the road so they could get in a truck to leave the area.
Cyr said, "The car in the garage had water. It was beeping, lights were going. My sister's car had water on it. We had to get our stuff around and they had to evacuate us and they pulled a boat up to our porch."
The Red Cross has set up some cots at the Church of Nazarene in Portland to help a out a few dozen people who did not have any place to go.
Portland Police Chief Star Thomas mentioned that he's not sure when the water will go down so people can re-enter their homes.
The Grand River bridge seems to be where the nucleus of the problem starts. Big chunks of ice have blocked the river from its normal flow in certain spots. The area of the dam had flowing water on one side and ice blocking on the other side.
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