Grand Rapids Ranks Poorly on List of Best Cities for Bicycling
A new report compares cities across the country in several categories to determine which cities are the best for bicyclists.
Grand Rapids did not do well.
The report, which came out earlier this month from Places for Bikes, gives Grand Rapids a 1.5 rating out of a possible 5.0.
Boulder, Colorado had the highest rating in the country with a 3.8.
Ann Arbor had the highest rating in Michigan with a 3.0.
It seems no one did very well on this report. Too bad they didn't grade on a curve.
Grand Rapids rated the lowest in the category that looks at how quickly cities are improving infrastructure for bicycling. Other categories looked at how far biking lanes and trails reach out into the community, the connections between bike lanes and trails, safety, how many people are riding bikes and how often people are riding.
While Grand Rapids may have a long way to go to make the city perfect for riding a bike, I have a hard time believing we really rank as low as this report leads us to believe.
How can a city that once supported Trout Bike not rank higher?
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