The 2024 Grand Rapids Gran Fondo is a cycling event that will take place on June 9, 2024, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The event is organized by the Grand Rapids Bicycle Company and is expected to attract over 2,000 cyclists from all over the Midwest.
West Michigan is blessed with hundreds of miles of excellent trails. You'll find finely manicured asphalt trails, off-the-beaten-path gravel trails and other options.
Here's one of the best trails that doesn't get the attention it deserves.
Michigan summers are best enjoyed outdoors and there is no better way to celebrate the season than biking along one of West Michigan's premiere biking trails.
See the best paved trails West Michigan has to offer!
A video of a 4-year-old on a mountain bike trail with his dad is making it's rounds on the internet. The video is all sorts of cute, but that isn't what we are interested in... At one point in the video, the boy exclaims "I did it!" That very statement was also uttered by Zane this weekend while mountain biking.
Downhill mountain biking is crazy in and of itself, but when you add an urban setting into the equation... it can only be described as EXTREMELY INSANE. You can be sure that things get a little crazy when you downhill bike in Valparaiso, Chile.